Cicatrix Scar Reducing Cream

₱2,214.29 PHP

CICATRIX® is recommended for the reduction management of keloid and hypertrophic scars.

CICATRIX® is essential for skin repair after mechanical, chemical, and thermal damages, cold and freezing injuries, as well as post traumatic and postoperative damages.

CICATRIX® reduces hypertrophic scars, recent and old scars, burn and acne marks, stretch marks and keloids. CICATRIX® promotes, protects, and accelerates scar healing. It facilitates proper epithelialization of the skin and contributes to its reconstruction. It can even be applied on open wounds to facilitate faster healing.

The active ingredients of CICATRIX® - Centella asiatica and Pinus sylvestris - undergo a special process of molecular activation. This makes of CICATRIX® a product of maximum efficacy that stimulates fibroblast collagen production (collagens types I and 111), regulates epidermal homeostasis, and modulates chronic inflammation in scar tissue.

CICATRIX® stimulates and enhances collagen production, thus accelerating wound healing.

The time of applications varies depending on the age and size of the scar, but as guidance the time of application are as follows:

                              Scar Type                      Time of application
                              Surgery                                  3 weeks
                              Accidents                               3 weeks
                              Burns                                      3 weeks
                              Acne marks                            6 weeks
                              Stretch marks                         6 weeks
                              Old scars                                1-3 months

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VIUSID supplement is now available!

VIUSID® is a nutritional supplement specifically designed to help balance and support immune system functions.  The main ingredient is Glycirrhizinic acid extracted from liquorice to which the antioxidant capacity has been enhanced by the process of Molecular Activation Technology, making VIUSID® a powerful antioxidant in the market, with immunomodulatory , antiviralanti-inflammatory and anti-anemic

Comes in sachets, 100ml oral solution and in 30ml vials.